At RMD Group, we know the importance of healthy drinking water. This elixir that makes up 70% of our bodies is the most vital for life. It had always been our effort to provide water not just in its purest but also its healthiest form. Thus, was born Manikchand Oxyrich – Conceptualized by Shri. Rasiklal M. Dhariwal under RMD Food and Berverages. We set up one of India’s most modern and comprehensive packaged drinking water plants near Pune in 2002. We later established more plants across India.
To ensure strict quality control, the RMD Group manufactures pre-forms and caps that are made of virgin material that is supplied to all the Oxyrich plants across the country.
So, how exactly do we make water healthier?
Oxyrich is the only packaged drinking water in the world to have 300% more oxygen. Adding more oxygen to water is achieved by our one and only path-breaking technology. World-class processes and superior equipment ensure highest levels of purity and quality of our packaged drinking water.
Oxyrich Story
At RMD Group, we know the importance of healthy drinking water. This elixir that makes up 70% of our bodies is the most vital for life. It had always been our effort to provide water not just in its purest but also its healthiest form. Thus, was born Manikchand Oxyrich – Conceptualized by Shri. Rasiklal M. Dhariwal under RMD Food and Berverages. We set up one of India’s most modern and comprehensive packaged drinking water plants near Pune in 2002. We later established more plants across India.
To ensure strict quality control, the RMD Group manufactures pre-forms and caps that are made of virgin material that is supplied to all the Oxyrich plants across the country.
So, how exactly do we make water healthier?
Oxyrich is the only packaged drinking water in the world to have 300% more oxygen. Adding more oxygen to water is achieved by our one and only path-breaking technology. World-class processes and superior equipment ensure highest levels of purity and quality of our packaged drinking water.